Health & Wellness

Want a better world? Stop treating toilets like crap.

It's THE place to start thinking about how to change the world.
By Nikolay Nikolov  on 
Want a better world? Stop treating toilets like crap.
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The toilet is one of the most important innovations of modern life. Still, around 2 billion people(opens in a new tab) lack access to basic sanitation services. To make matters worse, human factors – from plastic waste and toxic pollution to climate change and overpopulation – add an enormous strain on the toilet systems that do exist.

Despite this gloomy scenario, Chelsea Wald, science writer and author of Pipe Dreams: The Urgent Global Quest to Transform the Toilet(opens in a new tab), sees an opportunity. For Wald, rethinking our relationship with toilets can lead us to a much healthier and more sustainable world.

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Nikolay Nikolov

Senior Producer, London.

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